Subject: SV: hi hello
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 13:59:37 +0100
To: 2008-22973
Dear Pawel Wasik,
Thank you for your new email - again
expressing your concern about the future of "Gaderummet".
Referring to my email of August 20th I do
not believe there is anything new to add to the matter.
Mikkel Warming
Fra: []
Sendt: 3. november 2008 06:45
Til: Mikkel Warming
Emne: RE: hi hello
I'm worry about you men. I disagree your
decision about Gaderummet
Do you know what kind of therapy is used in Gaderummet (instead of medicine
therapy)?? It’s healing. At really its healing … you can trust me. Kalle
is a healer (don't listen an provocation against him, all are maded
by hand of antichrist: a lies, intrigues maded by men who hate him and
disturb him all the time when Kalle was work at the Gaderummet. That men was jalouss about Kalle's
work place and he propose to Kalle something like '' paid protection deal'': He
said about him many rumors to many competent people in danish society) Kalle
was disturbed by him over all time when he visit a house and the same
it's now ...................... .....
But what is your point of untrust to Kalle ?
He is a master for that house, he always was take care about people
around him, even if he risk a cariere, reputation ;all his live.. He
never put your live in risk, he always take care about health society, he was
work for your good being in
I'm hiv-positive. I started live in the house 2 years ago. At first I
build my own room in the Martin's kitchen. How ever I was try 2 years ago
start live normal / my life was really difficult / and Gaderummet frigøre
me and push me to survive and gave me the help hand, what i
used. After 5 months work in company KOMDIS (where i was work 7 days
in the week almost and around 9 to 10 hours per day - that's reality
of work in that kind of companies - i was get sick when i delivered
newspapers in difficult districts and after finish i
was delivery the newspapers also after people who didn't came to
work. So I'm just introduce a little myself because i want to
explain you "mess in administration". I left a komdis to
start realize my plan. That period you have described in Bilag 2007-08-15
Pawel og de hjemløse på gaden... Please
read this
And one thing: i don't know if you know that but this is good therapy and
lesson for you of very creative men: Dr.Klik session
ok I will finish that letter oh and one video clip:
Pawel Wasik